Hypfocus Therapies Fees, Terms And Conditions
How Much Does Hypnotherapy Cost In Melbourne?
Hypfocus Therapies
Hypfocus Therapies Terms and Conditions
Please ensure to read the terms and conditions below before making a booking:
How much is Hypnotherapy?
Fees can be checked in the table above and/or will be advised at the time of inquiry and may be subject to change. However, they will remain at the fee applicable when the session is booked.
Counselling fees are charged per session and payable at each session.
Hypnotherapy fees for individual sessions are charged at each session.
For Hypnotherapy, It is recommended that a 4-session minimum is undertaken; more complex issues may require more sessions.
Fees may be paid by Credit Card/EFTPOS, Cash, or Direct Deposit into my bank account.
Please note standard surcharge will be applied for credit card payments at time of payment.
The price of the sessions is noted above in the drop-down boxes.
If paying by direct deposit, fees are due before the session. Details for direct deposit will be on the invoice provided.
The session time includes all aspects of the session, including the time taken to make further appointments, collect a payment, etc.
The Cost of Hypnotherapy and the real value it represents to you.
When considering the cost of Hypnotherapy, it's important to understand that this is a short-term therapy. Where most talking therapies often need to extend into years to be effective, Hypnotherapy is usually completed over several sessions, a minimum of 4 sessions for straightforward issues or 8 to 12 sessions for particularly complex issues, e.g. some addictions, depression, or where a very significant amount of weight needs to be lost. Trauma and/or emotional triggers must be resolved to achieve long-term success. Sometimes, one issue is resolved, and the client will realise they are ready to work on another. Occasionally, the issues that seem most debilitating to my clients are the easier to resolve; panic and phobias, for example, are usually surprisingly quick to correct with Hypnosis techniques. Usually, people feel better and hopeful after the first session and, by the third, are confident that they're no longer phobic about the issue they came to address.
Some Therapists offer one-session solutions to cover everything; I do not personally agree with this practice as, in my opinion, it is simply not realistic. these therapists tend to charge a significant amount for this one session, often placing blame on the client for lack of success. Therapy is always a collaboration; there are no guarantees. However, we are working with neurological processes. Hypnotherapy costs may seem higher than other therapies per session. However, it is very cost-effective as much fewer sessions are generally required, unlike counselling, which may require ongoing sessions often for months and even years. Hypnotherapy can achieve results in relatively few sessions.
Client Information & Informed Consent
The following information is provided to ensure that all aspects of your professional engagement with Hypfocus Therapies are explained openly and transparently:
Scheduled Appointments
All services are by appointment. The initial consultation is usually 90 minutes, and subsequent appointments are usually 60 minutes.
Sessions are conducted either face-to-face, by phone, via Skype or Zoom. Home visits may be considered in some circumstances.
Clients are usually offered the choice of weekly or fortnightly sessions. From time to time, more or less regular sessions may be considered and agreed to by both parties. A minimum of 3 sessions are recommended for optimum results.
Depending on the nature of the issues you want to work with, it is important that, as your therapist, I have a structure by which to work with you effectively and safely. Some issues will require greater regularity of sessions than others. We can discuss a mutually beneficial framework at the start of our work together.
Changes to Appointments
We understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances can arise. However, we request that we be given the courtesy of some notice before any appointment changes. I am sure you understand we are unable to fill booking times at late notice, and if late notice cancellations become too frequent, our practice will not be viable:
A full business day’s notice is required for cancellations or changes to session times. Otherwise, the full cost of the session may be payable. For example, a 3 p.m. appointment on a Monday must be cancelled before 3 p.m. on the preceding Friday to avoid cancellation fees. Public holidays do not count as business days. Cancelling more than 24 hours in advance may be subject to a $50 cancellation fee.
A $50 administration fee will be deducted from refunds of bookings made online more than 24 hours before the appointment date. No refund will be issued within 24 hours of the appointment date. Please don’t book for others without first checking with them. Please call to reschedule the time.
Full payment will be invoiced to clients who fail to show up for their appointments.
If you arrive late for a session, the session time may be reduced to ensure that the session concludes at the agreed time. This is to ensure that other clients are not inconvenienced as a result, as they may have other commitments they need to get to.
If I need to change or cancel an appointment, I will give you as much notice as possible and offer an alternative date/time.
Please contact me on my mobile number, text, or call if you cannot make a session, or let me know that you are running late.
If you don’t arrive for a session within 15 minutes of the agreed starting time and I haven't heard from you, I may conclude that you are not going to be attending and may leave the office. In this event, the full cost of the session will be payable.
The same cancellation policy will apply if multiple sessions are booked and paid for in advance.
Please ensure you know your availability, as all program sessions must be booked by the end of the first session.
Sessions are not transferrable to other people.
The same cancellation rules apply to program sessions; a session may be forfeited if not cancelled within 24 hours. Failure to arrive for a session will result in the forfeit of that session.
Please note: If a program session is cancelled or rescheduled, it must be rescheduled within 2 weeks of the original scheduled date, or the session will be forfeited. ( unless by other agreement with the therapist).
Only one reschedule per program is permitted.
All Program sessions must be booked and completed within 3 months of the initial booking date.
Programs are non-refundable after the first session.
Confidentiality is provided for all counselling sessions. This means that your personal information and anything that you disclose to me, or that we discuss will not be disclosed to a third party without your consent, with the following exceptions:
If you advise that you are going to (or I reasonably believe that you are likely to) harm yourself or someone else, I am obligated by law to report that information to the appropriate authorities.
Private Health Insurance / Private Health Fund Providers (See list of Participating Funds Below):
If you wish to claim please ensure to check with your Private Health Insurer to confirm your level of cover for Hypnotherapy or Counselling (if applicable), or to confirm if you can use your Ancillary/Extras cover towards your sessions.
Most Private Health funds have good online member services which can provide you with the information you need. This information varies from one fund to another and is subject to change at the discretion of the Health Fund Provider. I will provide you with an invoice to support your health claim form.
For most participating funds Hypfocus Therapies Provider Number is: PM2015096 (Australian Hypnotherapy Association Membership Number)
The exceptions are:
Private Health Funds Where Specific Provider Number Required for Hypnotherapy/Counselling:
AHM Provider Number: 21219815
Australian Unity Provider Number: 21191215 (only applicable to some policies held prior to 2018)
Medibank and AHM Provider Number Counselling Services: A175711T
Police Health Fund Counselling Services Provider Number: AC04249T
Other Health Funds Where Policies May Cover Hypnotherapy
AHA (Australian Hypnotherapy Association) Professional Membership Number/Provider Number: PM2015096
NDIS - Hypfocus will provide counselling services on confirmation that counselling is an approved service with funding available. Hypfocus will issue and invoice as instructed with payment due 7 days from date of invoice.
These details are quoted on all invoices/receipts.
Participating Private Health Funds (last updated from AHA website at 19 June 2017:
Australian Health Management (AHM)…. is owned by Medibank Private – Counselling Services and Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy
Australian Unity
BUPA - Counselling services
CBHS Health Fund - This fund apparently uses practitioner names rather than provider numbers, so please quote my name, Georgina Mitchell, if checking with them.
Credicare Health Fund – members must have a doctor’s letter advising they’re having hypnotherapy for Stress management or quit smoking. This is for a benefit of up to $200 per family per year.
Grand United Health
HBF (WA) is owned by BUPA - Quit Smoking and Weight Loss sessions only; at the time of writing, they provide a benefit of up to $150 per year.
Health.com.au - members have 2 options for weight management and stopping smoking. They can go via a “health maintenance claim form” that can be downloaded from the Health.com.au website and must be signed by their GP to cover up to $200, and then they can also go via their “Natural Health Therapy cover for up to a further $300. Their Natural Health Cover section covers all other issues apart from stopping smoking and weight management. A claim via their Natural Health Therapist Cover does not require a GP signature.
Health Partners
Medibank Private - Counselling Services.
Navy Health Fund – If you are a member of this fund, let me know, as I have to apply for a provider number for each client; they will issue a private health fund 4 form and reference number on the day of request for each client, this number must then be displayed on your invoices/receipts. The Navy Health contact is the Claims Manager at 1300 306 289 or direct (03) 9896 9310.
NRMA Health Insurances (East Coast & Tasmania) only cover providers who were members prior to 31-3-2004
Phoenix Welfare
Queensland Country Health
Railway and Transport Health Fund Ltd
Reserve Bank Health Society
Teachers Federation Health
SGIC Health Insurance (SA and NT)
SGIO Health Insurance (WA)