Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy

Quit Vaping Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis To Quit Smoking


Hypfocus Therapies

Clinical Hypnotherapist Georgina Mitchell talks about how she can help you quit smoking. Her Hypnotherapy Practice is located in Mentone, Melbourne.

Quit Vaping Or Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation helps people overcome their nicotine addiction and adopt healthier habits through guided Quit Smoking HypnosisTherapy. 2 Sessions to change your life for the better!

It's a great time to use Hypnosis to stop smoking!

  • Are you sick of being a slave to smoking and the cost to you physically and financially?

  • Tired of missing so much time with friends and family when you go outside to smoke?​
    ​Our Highly Successful Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy Program helps people quit smoking in 2 sessions. It includes:
    2 Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking Sessions  (1 x 90 minute and 1 x 60 minute)  
    An MP3 recording to listen to at home to deeply embed the changes made during the sessions for long-lasting success.

Call now to book your appointment on 0435 923 817 or use the Contact form at the bottom of this page.

How Much Does This Quit Smoking Hypnosis Program Cost? Visit our Fees and Terms page to find out.

Our program is tailored to your needs because we recognise that smoking habits differ for everyone. For this reason, we do not recommend group sessions or a standard one-size-fits-all course. If you’re considering hypnotherapy for smoking, feel free to book a free 15-minute phone consultation to find out how I can help you.

Many of my clients have told me how surprised they were about how easy it was to stop smoking after our first session; most of my Quit Smoking clients come via referral.

*Imagine what you will be like with more energy, feeling fitter, healthier, and ready to get much more out of life.  You can achieve this change just by deciding to take action and  Quit Smoking with Hypnosis.

​Check with your Private Health Insurer; benefits may apply.  Hypnotherapists are not provided with HICAPS machines,  so if benefits apply, you can claim back after your session with the invoice I provide.

Decide to Stop smoking today!
© Copyright Hypfocus Therapies and Training 2015​

Smoking Hypnotherapy: Most people know someone who after having Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking. Why don’t you become one of those people who successfully quit smoking with hypnosis?

* Results may vary from person to person
If you're looking for  Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy in Melbourne, you'll find many Hypnotherapists advertising. For the best hypnotherapy Melbourne offers, seek a member of the AHA OR AACHP; the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia recognises these associations. We are members of the AHA, AACHP, and ACA.

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking is a tried and trusted method.

Stop smoking Hypnotherapy Cost

Read 9 Tips To Quit Vaping

Check out this free App from the Australian Government: it’s called My Quit Buddy, and it's designed to help you quit smoking or vaping.

Are you ready to stop smoking? Call or Book Online to work with Melbourne Clinical Hypnotherapist Georgina Mitchell

Contact Our Stop Smoking Hypnotist - It’s Time To Quit

Whether You Want To Stop Smoking Or Vaping

I Can Help You

Did you know that becoming a non-smoker can save you over $8,000 annually? It's true! Investing in hypnotherapy to quit smoking could be one of the smartest financial decisions ever. Think about all the possibilities that come with having that extra cash. Will you go on a dream vacation? Invest in your future? Save for a down payment on a house? Buy a new car? The choice is yours!