Hypnotherapy For Insomnia Hypnotic Sleep
Hypfocus Therapies
Hypnosis and Sleep
What causes Insomnia
Insomnia (being habitually unable to sleep) or sleepless nights may be caused by a wide range of issues. It is always important to eliminate possible physical causes before undertaking therapy. Some of the physical/medical causes of Insomnia and sleeping disorders are:
Nasal/sinus allergies
Gastrointestinal issues
Endocrine problems such as hyperthyroidism
Neurological conditions
Restless Leg Syndrome (10% of the population has disrupted sleep as a result of this syndrome)
Sleep Apnea (obstructed airways block oxygen causing a person to wake up repeatedly)
Mental health issues can also lead to insomnia, these include:
Lifestyle choices and events can also cause insomnia e.g.
Working at home before bed, particularly on screen-based equipment too close to sleeping time
Using screens e.g. smartphones, iPads laptops within an hour of bedtime
Watching TV in bed
Caffeinated drinks
Shift work
Eating too close to bedtime, particularly spicy foods which may cause heartburn
Irregular bedtimes
Drinking Alcohol - it may help you fall asleep but cause you to wake up as you become dehydrated
Smoking, nicotine is a stimulant
Major life events e.g. bereavement, divorce, illness, loss of job, loss of a pet
Sleep With Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy for Insomnia
Increasingly researchers believe that insomnia is an issue of the brain being unable to stop being awake. The brain has an awake mode and an asleep mode, and occasionally it may (for any of the reasons listed above) forget how to switch from one mode to the other.
Sometimes the brain will become so caught up in trying to find a resolution to a perceived problem that it will process in a loop and resist attempts to switch it into sleep mode, similar to a computer becoming hung. You may be aware of this in that you are aware that you ruminate without being able to make any progress, even if it's to decide to set the repeating thoughts aside for the night to be dealt with in the morning. Where Anxiety is involved the brain remains hyper-vigilant ready to prepare you for flight if the danger it's anticipating comes to pass.
Hypnotherapy for Insomnia reminds the brain how to make the switch from wakefulness to sleep. It may be necessary to resolve an underlying issue for this to be done effectively so that long-term benefits may be enjoyed. In Hypnosis the brain can resolve outstanding issues, removing any active emotions and filing the memory away for reference. Hypnosis will reintroduce the process of switching into a drifting, dreaming sleep and familiarise the brain with its known protocol. Sleep is an innate skill that we are all born with, so we are simply reminding the brain how to initiate one of its processes.
You can resolve insomnia by addressing the issues above, making lifestyle changes, reducing stress, and adjusting your diet and exercise routine. If you find that it is still an issue for you, I recommend you try Hypnotherapy.
If you'd like help overcoming insomnia to get a better night’s sleep why not try Hypnotic sleep therapy? Call us today at 0435 923817 or use the contact form above
With the aid of Hypnosis, Sleep comes naturally again.
9 Tips For A Good Nights Sleep
No Screens for at least an hour before bed (including TV and phone)
Avoid spicy food within 3 hours of bedtime
Make your bedroom a restful environment, preferably no TV
Do a relaxing activity before bed e.g. take a bath, 10 minutes of mindfulness, some gentle stretching
If you're worrying about something, write it down, look at it briefly, and decide to think about it in the morning
Avoid alcohol, Caffeine, and Nicotine before bed
Get some sunlight during the day to help in your brain’s production of melatonin
Get some exercise during the day
Avoid daytime naps if you've been having trouble sleeping at night*