Hypnotherapy For Bruxism Melbourne
Help To Stop Jaw Clenching
Hypfocus Therapies
Bruxism, What Is It?
Bruxism, TMJ, TMD, or teeth grinding is caused by clenching the jaw involuntarily, usually when the person is asleep.
Often, people have been doing it for quite a while before they realise it. They may eventually begin to notice jaw pain, and their Doctor tells them that they have most likely been grinding their teeth while asleep or stressed. Often, it's the dentist who delivers the news because signs of wear appear on the teeth, and in some cases, even below the gum line where the effects of constant grinding and pressure are weakening the bone that supports the roots of the teeth.
So you may be asking, " Why am I clenching my teeth? "
Physical causes include incorrect tooth alignment, which can be corrected by an orthodontist in conjunction with your regular dentist. They may also fit you with a mouth guard so that the mouth guard will absorb the grinding pressure and reduce the damage to your teeth and bones.
Teeth grinding in children is often a result of new teeth breaking through. It may also be a sign of a narrowing of the windpipe. Teeth grinding may occur as the subconscious attempts to open the airways. Some dentists suggest a conical MRI to investigate the airways for any signs of blockage or infection in surrounding tissue.
If the problem persists when the physical issues have been investigated and addressed, you may be referred for Hypnotherapy.
Other contributors to jaw clenching are:
Physical stress, e.g. illness, chronic pain, and even poor nutrition
Emotional Stress, e.g. anger or anxiety
Chronic Stress
Drug use
Many people delay getting dental checkups because they have developed a fear or phobia of going to the dentist. Hypnotherapy is also extremely effective in the treatment of Dental Phobia and Needle Phobia. If you would like more information, please give us a call to discuss.
If you need to see a dentist who specialises in Bruxism, TMJ I recommend the Melbourne TMJ and Facial Pain Centre
How to stop jaw clenching and grinding your teeth
Hypnotherapy for teeth clenching provides a fast track to stress relief and pain management; it can even help you manage the negative effects of chemotherapy. Hypnosis will take you into a state of relaxation mentally and physically and enable you to re-calibrate and retrain the muscles to relax as you sleep or when you're in stressful situations.
Hypnotherapy uses Hypnosis combined with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Stress management techniques, and physical and emotional relaxation techniques to reestablish your body’s innate ability to be at ease.
Say goodbye to Jaw pain and teeth grinding. Call us today or use the contact form below.
Further information on Teeth Grinding
Australian Dental Association