About Hypfocus Therapies Georgina Mitchell
Clinical Hypnotherapist Melbourne
Hypnotist and Counsellor Melbourne
Hypnosis and Hypnotism for fast effective therapy
“Seeing my clients achieve the change they want in their lives is incredibly rewarding.”
Hypnotherapists - Finding the right Hypnotherapist for You
Are you searching for the best Hypnosis Melbourne has to offer?
My name is Georgina Mitchell, and I'm a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Professional Counsellor, EFT Practitioner and Life Coach. My practice is located in Mentone, South East Melbourne.
I’ve trained extensively in Counselling, Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy, and my skills and experience offer my clients an effective way to achieve the changes they want to experience.
We all have lived experiences and our experience shapes who we are. I spent many years working in the corporate world dealing with the stress and pressure of management in a busy, demanding environment; I've experienced life as an immigrant and raised a family away from family support and ultimately as a single parent, as well as having to deal with the day to day reality of missing time with siblings and parents left behind. I've experienced the loss of loved ones, friends and family, some suddenly and some slowly taken by Cancer. I've experienced many lows and many highs. I count my children among the highs and have also enjoyed wonderful friendships, pets, travelling, books, movies, plays and learning.
These are just some examples of the experiences that have shaped me as a person. In overcoming the lows, I discovered several effective means of help and strategies that ultimately changed my career path and turned me towards training first as a Counsellor and then as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. It set me on a course of lifelong learning, which I continue to enjoy. Counselling and Clinical Hypnotherapy are my passion and what some might call "life calling".
Since becoming a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist, I have helped many people get through difficult life experiences, whether it's Overcoming Anxiety, Managing Depression, Divorce, Bereavement, Addiction, or even Quitting Smoking or Losing Weight.
It’s been my privilege to teach my clients the skills and provide the therapy that helps them become unstuck and move on from the lows to enjoy more of the natural highs life has to offer.
"I've seen incredible transformations occur in clients when they experience a new way of thinking, feeling and being during therapy"
If you're ready to make a change, whether emotional or behavioural, Call Georgina at Hypfocus now on 0435 923 817. You may begin by searching for "hypnotherapy near me," but it's important to check that your potential hypnotherapist is properly trained and a member of their industry association. In my case, I'm a member of the Australian Hypnotherapy Association. In fact, at one point, I was the State Executive Officer of the AHA Victoria Branch.
Georgina Mitchell CHT, Grad DipCns. Qualifications:
Graduate Diploma Counselling -Specialising in Addictions
Diploma in Counselling (Government Accredited Qualification CHC51712)
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy (Government Accredited Qualification 22O9OVIC)
Diploma in Business (Government Accredited Qualification BSB50207)
Diploma of Personal Nutrition (Distinction)
Member of the ACA College of Supervisors: Supervision - Providing Individual and Group Supervision For Professional Counsellors And Hypnotherapists
Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Depression and Anxiety Disorders,
EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique/Psychological Acupuncture)
EMDR and Virtual EMDR for Telehealth Certification - Trauma Therapy
Certified Advanced Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner - Weight Loss Specialist
Certified Behavioural Addictions Counsellor
Certified Family Law Counsellor
Certified Specialist in Hypnosis and Childbirth - American Hypnotherapy Association
Clinical Supervisor - ACA/AACHP members
NLP Practitioner
Certified Reiki Practitioner
Cert IV in Hypnotherapy (Government Accredited Qualification 22088VIC)
Cert IV in Training and Assessment (Government Accredited Qualification TAE40110)
Cert IV in Small Business Management (Government Accredited Qualification)
Cert II in First Aid
Advanced Theta Healing DNA Certificate
Psychological First Aid Certificate
Working with children and Police checks.
Training Institutions attended:
Georgina was SEO (State Executive Officer) of the Victorian Committee of the Australian Hypnotherapy Association in 2017
The Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors
The Australian Academy of Hypnotic Science (the sole Victorian-based provider of fully accredited Government recognised tertiary education and training in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counselling)
Memberships, associations and partnerships:
AHA (Australian Hypnotherapy Association) Professional Membership Number/Provider Number: PM2015096
Medibank Private Provider Number: 1513161H
Australian Unity Provider Number: 21141215
ACA (Australian Counselling Association) Membership Number: L1 4249
Georgina Mitchell is a Justice of the Peace in Victoria
© Copyright Hypfocus Therapies and Training 2015.
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counselor, Georgina Mitchell discusses her Melbourne Hypnotherapy Practice.
FAQ About Hypfocus
At Hypfocus, my goal is to use Clinical Hypnotherapy to provide the most practical experience of Hypnosis in Melbourne to make the process of positive change for my clients happen in the shortest time possible. I want to see my clients achieve their goals quickly!
What style of therapy do we use at Hypfocus?
Having trained in Counselling, ACT, IFS, and EFT, as well as Hypnosis, I combine talking therapy and psychotherapy to help you achieve deep personal insight that leads to positive change. During sessions, you are guided into a deep state of focus and given suggestions designed to help you achieve the change required.
Does Hypnosis Therapy Work?
In a word, yes. Hypnotic therapy has helped people all over the world to achieve the change they want in their lives. Hypnosis allows us to explore things more deeply and with greater insight and focus, and it does so in a way that enables the brain to update so that the change feels organic.
Of course, It's not a magic wand, so as with any therapy, you need to be ready for and willing to make changes. If your current lifestyle and choices are the underlying cause of your issues, you need to be prepared to commit to actual changes. Hypnosis can help people clear accumulated stress, reduce its effects, and even increase their ability to manage stress. Still, it does not make people impervious to its impact if they continue to take on more than they can reasonably be expected to handle. We all have a capacity for stress; work must be done to relieve the pressure whenever we exceed that capacity.
Is there a scientific basis for Hypnosis?
There is extensive research on Hypnosis. A recent article in Time magazine outlined just some of the many studies conducted. Harvard Lecturer and program coordinator Irving Kirsch states, "Hypnosis is a well-studied and legitimate form of adjunct treatment for conditions ranging from obesity and pain after surgery to anxiety and stress." Len Milling, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Hartford, explains, "Apart from aiding weight loss, there is substantial research evidence that hypnosis can effectively reduce physical pain." Dr David Spiegel of Stanford University says, "Hypnosis can also be "very helpful" in treating stress, anxiety and PTSD. Spiegel goes on to say, "Research has found hypnosis can even alter a person's immune function in ways that offset stress and reduce susceptibility to viral infections".
What to expect at your first Hypfocus Consultation
The first session takes the form of an in-depth consultation. The information gained helps me to understand more about you, your current issue, and what you want to achieve from the therapy by working with me. Subsequent sessions are tailored to your individual needs as we work on the problem or topic you'd like addressed.
I tailor treatments for issues such as Anxiety Disorders, Weight Loss, IBS, Depression, Pain Management, Menopause Symptoms, and Addiction, which often require multiple sessions; to deal with these issues effectively, it is not realistic to only commit to 2 or 3 sessions. That said, it's important to note that while Anxiety counseling on its own may take years to be useful when combined with hypnotic work, the client often accomplishes a better outcome in weeks.
In Melbourne, Hypnosis is becoming more accepted. It's already widely used in the USA and Europe, where Medical Hypnosis is widely used to treat a broad range of issues, e.g. IBS and Chronic Pain, as an alternative to anesthetic during Dental or Medical Surgery for people who are allergic to Anesthesia.
Covered by Medicare/Mental Health Plan?
No, our sessions are not covered by Medicare, however, if you have private health insurance with one of the companies listed on our home screen, you may be eligible for a rebate. Please check your policy or with your provider to find out. I can’t advise on private health rebates as the policies vary and are subject to change.
If you've been searching using the terms Hypnotherapy near me or Anxiety Counselling near me, rest assured we can help you. No matter where you're located, we offer online therapy via Skype or Zoom for clients who can't make it to our consulting room.
Some Private Health Insurance companies provide rebates for our Services. Always contact your private health insurance provider first to confirm that Hypnotherapy is covered. You pay the fee in full at the time of service and then claim back your rebate from your insurer. I can now process Medibank claims in the office via HICAPS if your policy covers counseling; I will email a receipt for you to claim from other participating funds.