Hypnotherapy For Sugar Addiction Melbourne
Hypfocus Therapies
Are you addicted to sugar?
Call Georgina Mitchell at Hypfocus Therapies To Find Out How She Can Help You!
Our program is tailored to meet your individual needs and provide long-term results.
Using a range of Therapy Techniques, we will deactivate your triggers and provide you with the skills to manage your emotions and moods without the need for sugary sedation.
* Results may vary from person to person
Quit Sugar with Sugar Addiction Hypnosis
Have you noticed how common it is to hear people say they're addicted to sugar? Perhaps you've said it yourself?
Are you tired of working so hard to watch your diet and/or exercise only to sabotage it with a sugar binge?
Are you tired of feeling sluggish from the effects of the sugar roller-coaster of energy spikes and slumps every day?
I help people break out of the self-sabotage trap to enjoy the benefits of living free of the damaging effects of too much sugar!
There's a reason why we're all more susceptible to sugar addiction these days. Our food is increasingly processed. When fat was the enemy, manufacturers removed fat, but to maintain flavour, they increased sugar; consequently, even our low-fat milk is laden with sugar. Almost any food in a package needs to be checked for its sugar content, sauce, gravy, ready meals, the list goes on and on.... the supermarket is a minefield of sugar bombs. The steady stream of stealthy sugar has left many of us craving more and more and more. With education, we can read the labels a bit more astutely and make better choices when purchasing our food. Sticking to the outer aisles of the supermarket is generally a healthier route to take, with fresh produce being located in these aisles.
There is another side to Sugar Addiction, and that is to understand our relationship with food and what it really represents to us. Sugar addiction can be a component of emotional eating. Sugar can become our drug of choice when regulating our moods and emotions and even alleviating boredom. If we don't step in to regulate our emotional response, our brain will send us in search of a Dopamine hit, and as our subconscious loves habit, it will go for the easiest, quickest fix every time and for a lot of us, that is SUGAR!
This is where our program of Addiction Hypnosis will help you. Our program is tailored to the individual to help identify the triggers and feelings that have you reaching for the chocolate, cake, biscuit, lolly or whatever your sugary preference is!
Sugar addiction can creep up on us just like alcohol addiction; friends and family can normalise consumption, and before we know it, we're always indulging. We can't buy petrol without buying a chocolate bar, so we begin to believe that we need something sweet after dinner.
Under Hypnosis, addiction can be re-examined; we can create a sense of life with and without addiction, whether it's alcohol addiction, sugar addiction or drug addiction. We can re-enforce a sense of choice and empowerment and lay the new neural pathways that will create your new healthier habits.