Gut Directed Hypnotherapy For IBS Melbourne
Hypfocus Therapies
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Hypnotherapy for IBS Melbourne -
A Gut Directed Hypnotherapy Program
Welcome to Your Path to Freedom from IBS Symptoms
Imagine living life free from the restrictions of painful and inconvenient IBS symptoms. With my Hypnotherapy program, you can join the thousands of people experiencing relief from IBS thanks to this highly effective treatment.
My GUT-IBS Program: My 6-session program has been meticulously designed to help reduce the symptoms of gut-related issues, offering a pathway to lasting relief.
GUT-IBS Specialist Georgina Mitchell Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counsellor experienced IBS and Gut Directed Hypnotherapy specialist practitioner
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy Near Me
Harnessing the power of Hypnotherapy, my program offers a safe and natural approach to addressing irritable bowel syndrome and other gut-related issues. GUT-IBS hypnotherapy is backed by centuries of practice and recent scientific studies, Hypnotherapy has emerged as one of the most effective treatments available for IBS.
In a recent ABC news report, participants in a Hypnotherapy program reported an astounding 80% improvement in their IBS symptoms. You can view the story at this link.
About My Approach: To achieve optimal results, we recommend my series of six sessions of Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy, meticulously crafted to synchronize the mind and body, facilitating optimal functioning of your gut-brain axis, as well as creating the mindset needed to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Expert Testimonials: In the UK, Professor Peter Whorwell, MD, a leading expert in Gastroenterology, has conducted pioneering studies on the effectiveness of hypnosis therapy for IBS. Despite initial skepticism, Professor Whorwell's research has demonstrated a remarkable 70% success rate in treating his patients.
Join the Movement: Experience the transformative power of Hypnotherapy in overcoming IBS symptoms. With a track record of success and a commitment to your well-being, my program offers a beacon of hope for those seeking relief from the burdens of IBS.
Tip: If you're considering Hypnotherapy for IBS or Gut related issues, it's essential to ensure that the practitioner you visit has trained appropriately. Hypnotherapy is unregulated in the UK and here in Australia, so membership in a reputable Association is one of the most reliable ways of ensuring that the Hypnotherapist is credible, has been trained, and is continuing in Professional Development as well as being Supervised and adequately insured.
Related Links:
Monash University IBS Research, advice, and Fodmap information
Hypnotherapy and IBS: Implicit, long-term stress memory in the ENS?
Fodmap Shop Melbourne - Fodshopper
Gut Directed Hypnotherapy NHS - NHS Hospitals in York and Scarborough provide the following information to patients and staff “Hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in treating the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other functional gut disorders such as non-cardiac chest pain and functional dyspepsia. It is recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for the treatment of IBS, if diet, medication and lifestyle changes have been unsuccessful.” Read more information in the link.
NHS Gloucestershire confirms that gut-directed hypnotherapy can be very effective
Irritable Bowel Syndrome has been on the increase; it's estimated that 20% of the Australian Population suffer to some degree from this often debilitating illness.
Medical conditions must be investigated and treated by a medical practitioner. This therapy is not an alternative to medical treatment.
I work in conjunction with your medical advice; I am a complementary therapy practitioner offering safe and natural gut-directed hypnotherapy to reduce your symptoms.
Call Hypfocus for further information on how we can help you, or use the Contact Form on this page.
IBS Symptoms
Abdominal cramping
Diarrhoea or Constipation (can alternate)
Gas and Bloating
Mucus in stool
When should you see a Doctor?
The Mayo Clinic website advises that it's important to have any persistent change in your bowel habits investigated by your GP as they might indicate a more serious condition.
IBS Causes
The cause is not known. However, theories on possible causes may be found here on the Mayo Clinic website. See also the Monash video above for information on their research.